So many people believe that the more they workout the more results they will get, But, that simply isn’t true that more time working out equals more results. Sleep is one of the most overlooked factors in life when it comes to working out but also, overall health!
Poor sleep habits are linked to:
- Weight Gain
- Depression
- Higher chances of contracting diseases
- Weaker Immune system
- Lower Physical energy
- Reduced cognitive function
- Decreased replenishment of muscle glycogen
A study in 2010, by the American College of Physicians found that a sleep deprived group of 5.5 hours of sleep a night, on a regulated calorie deficit, lost 60% more muscle mass and 55% less fat than the group who slept 8.5 hours, on a regulated calorie deficit.That alone should show how important sleep is on muscle mass. To highlight it even more, a study in 2015, showed that young men who slept only 5 hours every night for 1 week, saw a 10%-15% decrease in testosterone.
With all these critical factors displayed above, it just goes to show how important sleep is! Doesn’t matter what your goals are, it is very important for everyone to get plenty of sleep every night! Getting plenty of sleep is super important but so is the quality of sleep. Just because you lay down, doesn’t mean you're getting your best sleep. So here are some ways to help get the best sleep.
- Try turning off blue lights 60 minutes before bed. Blue light blocks a hormone called melatonin, which prepares the body for sleep. When something messes with the ability to produce that sleepy hormone, it will be harder to fall asleep.
- Create a routine. Go to bed and wake up at the same time consistently. Irregular sleep schedules prevent your body from releasing hormones at the right time to make you feel sleepy and awake, therefore, throwing your body off track.
- Don’t eat directly before bed. When eating before bed. Your body is still working hard to digest the food you ate. So, laying down can cause you to be restless, feel yucky due to indigestion from laying horizontally. It can be very good for weight gain or for weight loss, depending on your specific goals, eating before bed can hinder quality of sleep for many.
- Plan your day the night before! Write out everything that needs done the next day
So, start implementing these tips to improve your sleep... and watch the gains start to take off!